What is the delivery time?

Once you have an order number and the payment confirm we will deliver your order within 3 business days (in case you choose express delivery it will be delivered within 24 hours).

To which areas you can ship?

We ship to all areas worldwide.

What does the price of the products include?

The price includes VAT, and does not include the cost of delivery or discounts.

Which payment methods you accept?

COD (Cash on delivery), Credit Card, PayPal, Bank Transfers, BIT.
For any other method please contact us.

What is the exchange and return policy?

You can return or exchange items from your order withind 48 hours of recieving it.
You can get a full refund in case of a return (except for the shipping cost).
If you would like return or exchange items, please contact us wihtin the specified period.

What does the watch include?

The watch comes with the original package, bag and booklet.